MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

I do not have a hosting service

Why do I need a hosting service?

The domain name (website) cannot be displayed by itself, the browser will display the content uploaded to the hosting as a web page. So the hosting stores and displays the content (information, images, videos) you want to display on your website to visitors.

What hosting can I order from MediaCenter?

You can find a detailed comparison table of our storage spaces on our website:

How can I order the hosting I have chosen?

Click on the order now! button below the hosting you wish to order.

In the ordering interface, you then just need to select whether you want to purchase the hosting service with or without a domain name, and the interface will guide you through the entire ordering process.

It is important that we are able to service domain names that are managed by our company, or at least DNS name serving is ordered, in the framework of which the domain name can be directed to us by name servers.