MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

Webshop redirection tasks

If you have registered your domain name with MediaCenter, but you would like to operate a webshop under it that is provided by a completely independent webshop provider - e.g. Shoprenter, Unas, Wix - you need to perform a DNS redirect for your domain name.

MediaCenter can help you with the redirection free of charge, but you will need to obtain the necessary information from your webshop provider:

  • Data required for content redirection:
    • IP address (e.g.: and CNAME record (e.g.:

By providing this information, we can technically set up the domain name so that it is still maintained by our company, but the content is now directly associated with the webshop.

When redirecting, it is important to specify the IP address and CNAME-based records, because this way the mailing associated with the domain name can continue to work smoothly at our company.


Together with the redirection of the domain name content display, the establishment of a secure web connection (SSL or HTTPS) should be agreed with the webshop operator, only they will be able to help you.