MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

Email Protocols - POP3, SMTP, and IMAP Ports

The POP3 protocol operates on two ports:

Port 110 - default POP3 without SSL/TLS
Port 995 - use this port for encrypted connections

The IMAP protocol operates on two ports:

Port 143 - default IMAP port without SSL/TLS
Port 993 - use this port for encrypted connections

The SMTP protocol operates on three ports:

Port 25 - default SMTP port - without SSL/TLS encryption
Port 25000 - if the ISP restricts the use of port 25 - without SSL/TLS
Port 465 - for sending emails over an encrypted connection

IMAP server address:
Username: full email address
Password: password associated with the mailbox
Port number: 143 (or 993 for SSL)

POP3 server address:
Username: full email address
Password: password associated with the email address
Port number: 110 (or 995 for SSL)

Free SMTP server address:
Username: full email address
Password: password associated with the mailbox
Port number: 25000 (or 465 for SSL)

Dedicated SMTP server address:
Username: the identifier sent via email during activation
Password: the identifier sent via email during activation
Port number: 25000 (or 465 for SSL)