MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

Purchase of additional quota

In the case of MediaCenter managed hosting, the most practical/cheapest solution to increase the quotas included in the hosting is the upgrade web hosting plan. You can do this at any time via our online interface.

However, if you want to specifically increase your hosting quotas, we also offer the possibility to do so to our customers. Such upgrades may be specific:

  • +10 GB storage size increase (up to PRO plan you should choose a web hosting plan upgrade)
  • + MySQL storage space requirement (we can provide a custom upgrade above PRO hosting plan)
  • + php mail sending limit
  • + MySQL user
  • External MySQL connection
  • Stb....

If you wish to upgrade, please send an e-mail to our customer service:

Mail Hosting storage needs

When you need to increase your hosting capacity for mail related to your domain names, you should upgrade only up to our PRO hosting plan. This is only 30 GB of storage space, but we can provide additional expansion of +10 GB on demand.

This is a much more cost-effective solution than upgrading to our VIP plan, as this plan is designed to serve websites with high quality, resource-intensive hosting.

Our offer for mail structured hosting plan:

  • PRO hosting
  • Additional 10 GB storage (unlimited accumulation)

You can switch your hosting plan online until PRO hosting, while you can order additional quotas by sending us an e-mail, indicating how many + 10 GB upgrades you would like.