MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

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Tips and advice

It is important that all aspects of your mail comply with the current spam filtering applications. The way spam filters work is very simple. They will score any errors they find in your mail, and if they exceed a certain number, the mail will be considered as unsolicited. The content of the mail, the program code, character encoding, attachments, links, are all very important elements of the newsletter, but if they are not used properly or used excessively, they can easily be included in the spam.

The following are things to look out for:

1. Make sure your letter contains text. It is not enough to include only an image, because then the code itself will only contain a link, which spam filters will usually score with the maximum score, and your mail will not reach the target person.

2. The right subject is always important. The subject line should be conversational, something that immediately lets the user know that they are seeing the newsletter from us. Do not try to draw attention with all capital letters, as this will also cost you serious points.

3. Avoid words that refer to general junk mail, drugs, potency enhancers are synonyms for these, a delicate area to stay away from.

4. it is important that the mail does not contain only links, the more links and the less content, the more suspicious the mail is to the spam filtering software, thus increasing the chances that your mail will not reach the subscriber.

5. The same happens when an image is encoded in the mail. Think of this as opening an image as a document. In essence, the image is also a text file, only when decoding it using a graphics program, we can see an image. We could open an image as text and see many, many unknown characters. We call this source code. This is not to be confused with source code in the editing interface. If you create a letter and then click this button, you will see the source code of your own letter. You cannot copy the source code of the image into this, as the spam filter will immediately detect that multiple source codes are mixed up, and will delete the email.